Blog Ini AdaLaH TemPaT mElUahkAn peRAsAaN kU...LeBiH kEpAdA pEnGaLaMa Ku DaN jUgA cErItErA² aKu DaN fAmIlY kU...tIdAk TerliBaT DgN sEsIaPa Yg lAiN kEcUALi DiNyaTaKaN

jUtAAN tERiMa KaSiH juGa di UcApKaN kEpAda seMuA yAnG sUdI sInGgah Di bLOG yG X SEBeRApA NI...SeLaLu² LaAa SiNgGAh LaGi YE..

iklan best


Saturday, December 27, 2008

aKu KeNa tAGgED

Klo X ym dGn SuE..aKu pun X seDaR aKU kEnA taG....hUHuHUhuH
Ni SuE aKu jWaB tAg Ko HaAaA.....

1. What is the relationship of you and him/her?
ApE HuBunGan Ku..???
AkU nI Ni IsTeRi UtK eN ZuAr La pE LAgi....

2. Your 5 impressions towards him/her.
~ KeLaKaR
~ BaIk haTI...
~ hOrMat oRg tUa
~ dAh TeNtU La SyG sGt2 Kt eN zUaR...
~ dAn En ZuaR pUn sYg & KaSiH kAt AkU........

3. The most memorable things he/she had done for you.
eH....mANa Leh Bgi TaU...hNya AkU dGn En zUar Je tAU....kUang..Kuang...KuAnG
(jAwaPaN sTANDARd......)

4. The most memorable things he/she have said to you?
hUkhuKhUk......MaSA & sAAT2 eN zUaR mELAMar AkU...

5. If he/she become your lover, you will...
AkU AkN jDi PeNcInTA DiA JUgaK......(eN ZuAr LaAaA SapEr LAgIK)

6. If he/she become your enemy, you will...
eRmPpPP......mAlAs NaK lAyAN

7. If he/she become your lover, he/she has to improve on...
eRmMmPPp....aPe eKKKK?????

8. If he/she become your enemy, the reason is...
sbB nYeR....Lu PiiKir Lah SeNDiRi.....!!!!!!

9. The most desirable thing to do on him/her is?

X tErCaPAi AkAL Mu...

10. The overall impression of him/her is...
kEtUa keLuArgA Ku MerAngkAp KepAdA
SuAmI mAk AkU (sEnAnG CiTe AbAh Aku LeR)

11. How do you think the people around you will feel about you?
mUngKin Ada yG sUKa daN MUNGKin aDA yG bENcI...
kITa xTaU sBB hAti sUMa LaIn-LaIN dAn AkU puN x konGSi
haTi Dgn DIoRG.....

12. The character of you for yourself is?
pEmaLU dIaWal PeRkENaLaN.....

13. On contrary, the character you hate of yourself is?
eRMmPpP... BLeR MaLaS mEnJeLMa

14. The most ideal person that you wanna be is?
jAdI sEoRg PuTErI..huKhuKhUKhUK

15. For the people who care about and likes you, say something about them..
tQ..aKu SaYAnG koRaNG sUMa!!!

16. four people to tag:
1) qIs
2) YaM (kALO dIa SihAt La)
3) 1 & 2
4) sEmuA dIaTaS

17. Who is no. 2 having a relationship with?
eH HaSbEnd AkU lErrrr

18. Is no. 3 a male or a female?
DaH tEnTu laaa MaLe

19.If no. 7 and no. 10 were together, would it be a good thing?
ApO kONo nYer Ni.????

20.How about no. 5 and 8?

21. Say something about no. 4
saYaNG sGt...KaSih sGt...CinTA Sgt...SeMUaNyER sGt2 bElaKa

22. Is no. 4 single?
hE Not sIgle OK!!!! MinE

p/s: perhatian! soalan no 17 hingga 22 merujuk kepada soalan no 1 hingga 10 di atas.


cintaKusayangMu said...

adoi....aku kena jwb ni tag ko..sbr ye..heheh

SiTi said...

jAwAb JgN X JaWaB qIs...HUhUHu

cIk pEnNa said...

tq ye sebab wat tag nih!

SiTi said...


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